This function styles character vectors or column names in a data frame. The styling function can be customised, or you can provide specific replacements for certain values.
fun = function(x) stringr::str_to_sentence(gsub("_", " ", x)),
custom = NULL,
keep = NULL
- x
A character vector to style text.
- fun
A styling function to apply to text in
. The default function converts snake_case to sentence case.- custom
A named character vector indicating custom names for specific values in
. If NULL, the styling function infun
is applied to all values.- keep
Either a character vector of names to keep unchanged. If NULL, all names will be styled.
# Styling a character vector
customiseText(c("some_column_name", "another_column"))
#> [1] "Some column name" "Another column"
# Custom styling for specific values
customiseText(x = c("some_column", "another_column"),
custom = c("Custom Name" = "another_column"))
#> [1] "Some column" "Custom Name"
# Keeping specific values unchanged
customiseText(x = c("some_column", "another_column"), keep = "another_column")
#> [1] "Some column" "another_column"
# Styling column names and variables in a data frame
some_column = c("hi_there", "rename_me", "example", "to_keep"),
another_column = 1:4,
to_keep = "as_is"
) |>
"some_column" = customiseText(some_column, custom = c("EXAMPLE" = "example"), keep = "to_keep")
) |>
dplyr::rename_with(.fn = ~ customiseText(.x, keep = "to_keep"))
#> # A tibble: 4 × 3
#> `Some column` `Another column` to_keep
#> <chr> <int> <chr>
#> 1 Hi there 1 as_is
#> 2 Rename me 2 as_is
#> 3 EXAMPLE 3 as_is
#> 4 to_keep 4 as_is