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This function combines the functionalities of formatEstimateValue(), estimateName(), formatHeader(), and formatTable() into a single function specifically for <summarised_result> objects.


  estimateName = character(),
  header = character(),
  settingsColumns = character(),
  groupColumn = character(),
  rename = character(),
  type = "gt",
  hide = character(),
  showMinCellCount = TRUE,
  .options = list(),
  split = lifecycle::deprecated(),
  excludeColumns = lifecycle::deprecated(),
  formatEstimateName = lifecycle::deprecated(),
  renameColumns = lifecycle::deprecated()



A <summarised_result> object.


A named list of estimate names to join, sorted by computation order. Use <...> to indicate estimate names.


A vector specifying the elements to include in the header. The order of elements matters, with the first being the topmost header. The input vector elements can be:

  1. Column names from the split summarised result generated by splitAll()

  2. Settings specified in the settings argument

  3. group, strata, additional, variable, estimate, and/or settings to refer to all columns within these groups

  4. Any other input to create overall header labels at the specified location.


A character vector with the names of settings to include in the table.


Columns to use as group labels. By default, the name of the new group will be the tidy* column names separated by ";". To specify a custom group name, use a named list such as: list("newGroupName" = c("variable_name", "variable_level")).

*tidy: The tidy format applied to column names replaces "_" with a space and converts to sentence case. Use rename to customize specific column names.


A named vector to customize column names, e.g., c("Database name" = "cdm_name"). The function renames all column names not specified here into a tidy* format.


The desired format of the output table. See tableType() for allowed options.


Columns to drop from the output table. By default, result_id and estimate_type are always dropped.


If TRUE, suppressed estimates will be indicated with "<{min_cell_count}", otherwise, the default na defined in .options will be used.


A named list with additional formatting options. visOmopResults::tableOptions() shows allowed arguments and their default values.










A tibble, gt, or flextable object.


result <- mockSummarisedResult()
result |>
    estimateName = c("N%" = "<count> (<percentage>)",
                     "N" = "<count>",
                     "Mean (SD)" = "<mean> (<sd>)"),
    header = c("group"),
    rename = c("Database name" = "cdm_name"),
    groupColumn = strataColumns(result)
#> ! Results have not been suppressed.
Database name Variable name Variable level Estimate name Cohort name
cohort1 cohort2
overall; overall
mock number subjects - N 3,757,580 6,686,055
age - Mean (SD) 39.22 (6.09) 73.13 (1.25)
Medications Amoxiciline N% 20,595 (80.69) 10,504 (84.46)
Ibuprofen N% 14,800 (60.58) 36,579 (70.03)
<40; Male
mock number subjects - N 1,368,529 7,204,168
age - Mean (SD) 84.49 (6.28) 17.59 (9.18)
Medications Amoxiciline N% 80,943 (82.04) 34,921 (45.10)
Ibuprofen N% 33,806 (68.42) 73,651 (59.73)
>=40; Male
mock number subjects - N 986,021 5,419,602
age - Mean (SD) 88.51 (3.45) 89.05 (3.93)
Medications Amoxiciline N% 70,153 (60.69) 15,005 (85.40)
Ibuprofen N% 95,087 (70.11) 64,000 (21.30)
<40; Female
mock number subjects - N 6,423,973 3,933,305
age - Mean (SD) 73.61 (0.72) 92.42 (0.70)
Medications Amoxiciline N% 77,060 (16.22) 77,466 (95.12)
Ibuprofen N% 31,908 (92.18) 43,092 (62.89)
>=40; Female
mock number subjects - N 8,174,897 3,998,490
age - Mean (SD) 64.33 (6.00) 56.26 (6.76)
Medications Amoxiciline N% 41,081 (73.67) 48,826 (47.15)
Ibuprofen N% 13,645 (75.40) 51,922 (59.68)
overall; Male
mock number subjects - N 1,567,231 2,749,445
age - Mean (SD) 31.44 (2.12) 92.58 (4.66)
Medications Amoxiciline N% 43,455 (6.80) 73,696 (27.82)
Ibuprofen N% 4,550 (46.81) 34,744 (61.72)
overall; Female
mock number subjects - N 5,118,733 1,644,105
age - Mean (SD) 22.75 (1.04) 92.02 (4.93)
Medications Amoxiciline N% 56,295 (78.39) 39,168 (82.96)
Ibuprofen N% 30,289 (79.74) 87,080 (21.79)
<40; overall
mock number subjects - N 7,105,515 8,670,615
age - Mean (SD) 6.35 (6.81) 15.20 (7.08)
Medications Amoxiciline N% 22,634 (79.38) 63,896 (76.58)
Ibuprofen N% 17,220 (34.67) 36,884 (31.01)
>=40; overall
mock number subjects - N 3,634,426 6,532,899
age - Mean (SD) 7.86 (4.54) 65.42 (2.94)
Medications Amoxiciline N% 3,969 (8.16) 68,632 (35.05)
Ibuprofen N% 39,478 (67.60) 29,888 (72.41)