Find orphan codes related to a codelist using achilles counts and, if available, PHOEBE concept recommendations
Find orphan codes related to a codelist using achilles counts and, if available, PHOEBE concept recommendations
domain = c("condition", "device", "drug", "measurement", "observation", "procedure",
# \donttest{
cdm <- mockVocabRef("database")
#> Warning: ! 8 column in cdm_source do not match expected column type:
#> • `cdm_source_abbreviation` is logical but expected character
#> • `cdm_holder` is logical but expected character
#> • `source_description` is logical but expected character
#> • `source_documentation_reference` is logical but expected character
#> • `cdm_etl_reference` is logical but expected character
#> • `source_release_date` is logical but expected date
#> • `cdm_release_date` is logical but expected date
#> • `vocabulary_version` is logical but expected character
#> Warning: ! 3 column in concept do not match expected column type:
#> • `valid_start_date` is logical but expected date
#> • `valid_end_date` is logical but expected date
#> • `invalid_reason` is logical but expected character
#> Warning: ! 3 column in concept_relationship do not match expected column type:
#> • `valid_start_date` is logical but expected date
#> • `valid_end_date` is logical but expected date
#> • `invalid_reason` is logical but expected character
#> Warning: ! 1 column in concept_synonym do not match expected column type:
#> • `language_concept_id` is logical but expected integer
#> Warning: ! 4 column in drug_strength do not match expected column type:
#> • `amount_value` is logical but expected numeric
#> • `box_size` is logical but expected integer
#> • `valid_start_date` is logical but expected date
#> • `valid_end_date` is logical but expected date
#> Warning: ! 7 column in achilles_analysis do not match expected column type:
#> • `analysis_name` is numeric but expected character
#> • `stratum_1_name` is logical but expected character
#> • `stratum_2_name` is logical but expected character
#> • `stratum_3_name` is logical but expected character
#> • `stratum_4_name` is logical but expected character
#> • `stratum_5_name` is logical but expected character
#> • `category` is logical but expected character
#> Warning: ! 5 column in achilles_results do not match expected column type:
#> • `stratum_1` is numeric but expected character
#> • `stratum_2` is logical but expected character
#> • `stratum_3` is logical but expected character
#> • `stratum_4` is logical but expected character
#> • `stratum_5` is logical but expected character
#> Warning: ! 14 column in achilles_results_dist do not match expected column type:
#> • `stratum_1` is logical but expected character
#> • `stratum_2` is logical but expected character
#> • `stratum_3` is logical but expected character
#> • `stratum_4` is logical but expected character
#> • `stratum_5` is logical but expected character
#> • `min_value` is logical but expected integer
#> • `max_value` is logical but expected integer
#> • `avg_value` is logical but expected numeric
#> • `stdev_value` is logical but expected numeric
#> • `median_value` is logical but expected numeric
#> • `p10_value` is logical but expected numeric
#> • `p25_value` is logical but expected numeric
#> • `p75_value` is logical but expected numeric
#> • `p90_value` is logical but expected numeric
#> Warning: There are observation period end dates after the current date: 2024-11-26
#> ℹ The latest max observation period end date found is 2025-12-31
#> Warning: There are observation period end dates after the current date: 2024-11-26
#> ℹ The latest max observation period end date found is 2025-12-31
codes <- getCandidateCodes(cdm = cdm,
keywords = "Musculoskeletal disorder",
domains = "Condition",
includeDescendants = FALSE)
#> Limiting to domains of interest
#> Getting concepts to include
#> Search completed. Finishing up.
#> ✔ 1 candidate concept identified
#> Time taken: 0 minutes and 0 seconds
orphan_codes <- summariseOrphanCodes(x = list("msk" = codes$concept_id),
cdm = cdm)
#> PHOEBE results not available
#> ℹ The concept_recommended table is not present in the cdm.
#> Getting orphan codes for msk
#> # A tibble: 2 × 13
#> result_id cdm_name group_name group_level strata_name strata_level
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 1 mock codelist_name msk domain_id condition
#> 2 1 mock codelist_name msk domain_id condition
#> # ℹ 7 more variables: variable_name <chr>, variable_level <chr>,
#> # estimate_name <chr>, estimate_type <chr>, estimate_value <chr>,
#> # additional_name <chr>, additional_level <chr>
# }