Execute given checks on Drug Exposure.
ingredients = c(1125315),
subsetToConceptId = NULL,
checks = c("missing", "exposureDuration", "quantity"),
minCellCount = 5,
sample = 10000,
tablePrefix = NULL,
earliestStartDate = "2010-01-01",
verbose = FALSE,
byConcept = TRUE,
exposureTypeId = NULL,
outputFolder = NULL,
databaseId = CDMConnector::cdmName(cdm),
filename = NULL
- cdm
CDMConnector reference object
- ingredients
vector of ingredients, by default: acetaminophen
- subsetToConceptId
vector of concept IDs of the ingredients to filter. If a concept ID is positive it will be included, a negative one will be excluded. If NULL, all concept IDs for an ingredient will be considered.
- checks
the checks to be executed, by default the missing values, the exposure duration and the quantity. Possible options are "missing", "exposureDuration", "type", "route", "sourceConcept", "daysSupply", "verbatimEndDate", "dose", "sig", "quantity" and "diagnosticsSummary"
- minCellCount
minimum number of events to report- results lower than this will be obscured. If 0 all results will be reported.
- sample
the number of samples, default 10.000
- tablePrefix
The stem for the permanent tables that will be created when running the diagnostics. Permanent tables will be created using this prefix, and any existing tables that start with this will be at risk of being dropped or overwritten. If NULL, temporary tables will be used throughout.
- earliestStartDate
the earliest date from which a record can be included
- verbose
verbose, default FALSE
- byConcept
boolean argument whether to return results by Concept or overall only
- exposureTypeId
id of the drug exposure type to be filtered on (e.g. only prescribed). By default all record types will be taken into account.
- outputFolder
folder to write to. If NULL, results will not be written to file
- databaseId
database identifier
- filename
output file name, if NULL it will be equal to databaseId
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
db <- DBI::dbConnect(" Your database connection here ")
cdm <- CDMConnector::cdmFromCon(
con = db,
cdmSchema = "cdm schema name"
result <- executeChecks(
cdm = cdm,
ingredients = c(1125315)
} # }