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Format the result of summariseOrphanCodes into a table.


  type = "gt",
  header = c("cdm_name", "estimate_name"),
  groupColumn = character(),
  hide = character(),
  .options = list()



A summarised result with results of the type "orphan_codes".


Type of desired formatted table. To see supported formats use visOmopResults::tableType()


A vector specifying the elements to include in the header. The order of elements matters, with the first being the topmost header. The header vector can contain one of the following variables: "cdm_name", "codelist_name", "domain_id", "standard_concept_name", "standard_concept_id", "estimate_name", "standard_concept", "vocabulary_id". Alternatively, it can include other names to use as overall header labels.


Variables to use as group labels. Allowed columns are: "cdm_name", "codelist_name", "domain_id", "standard_concept_name", "standard_concept_id", "estimate_name", "standard_concept", "vocabulary_id". These cannot be used in header.


Table columns to exclude, options are: "cdm_name", "codelist_name", "domain_id", "standard_concept_name", "standard_concept_id", "estimate_name", "standard_concept", "vocabulary_id". These cannot be used in header or groupColumn.


Named list with additional formatting options. visOmopResults::tableOptions() shows allowed arguments and their default values.


A table with a formatted version of the summariseOrphanCodes result.


# \donttest{
cdm <- mockVocabRef("database")
#> Warning: There are observation period end dates after the current date: 2025-02-19
#>  The latest max observation period end date found is 2025-12-31
#> Warning: There are observation period end dates after the current date: 2025-02-19
#>  The latest max observation period end date found is 2025-12-31
codes <- getCandidateCodes(cdm = cdm,
keywords = "Musculoskeletal disorder",
domains = "Condition",
includeDescendants = FALSE)
#> Limiting to domains of interest
#> Getting concepts to include
#> Search completed. Finishing up.
#>  1 candidate concept identified
#> Time taken: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

orphan_codes <- summariseOrphanCodes(x = list("msk" = codes$concept_id),
cdm = cdm)
#> PHOEBE results not available
#>  The concept_recommended table is not present in the cdm.
#> Getting orphan codes for msk

Database name
Codelist name Domain ID Standard concept name Standard concept ID Standard concept Vocabulary ID
Estimate name
Record count
msk condition Osteoarthritis of knee 4 standard SNOMED 400
Osteoarthritis of hip 5 standard SNOMED 200
CDMConnector::cdmDisconnect(cdm) # }