This experimental function transforms the OMOP CDM into a single observation table. This is only recommended for use with a filtered CDM or a cdm that is small in size.
domain = c("condition_occurrence", "drug_exposure", "procedure_occurrence"),
includeConceptName = TRUE
- cdm
A cdm_reference object
- domain
Domains to include. Must be a subset of "condition_occurrence", "drug_exposure", "procedure_occurrence", "measurement", "visit_occurrence", "death", "observation"
- includeConceptName
Should concept_name and type_concept_name be include in the output table? TRUE (default) or FALSE
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), eunomiaDir())
cdm <- cdmFromCon(con, cdmSchema = "main")
all_observations <- cdmSubset(cdm, personId = c(2, 18, 42)) %>%
cdmFlatten() %>%
#> # A tibble: 213 × 8
#> person_id observation_. start_date end_date type_. domain obser. type_.
#> <dbl> <dbl> <date> <date> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 2 40213201 1986-09-09 1986-09-09 5.81e5 drug pneumo <NA>
#> 2 18 4116491 1997-11-09 1998-01-09 3.20e4 condi Escher <NA>
#> 3 18 40213227 2017-01-04 2017-01-04 5.81e5 drug tetanu <NA>
#> 4 42 4156265 1974-06-13 1974-06-27 3.20e4 condi Facial <NA>
#> 5 18 40213160 1966-02-23 1966-02-23 5.81e5 drug poliov <NA>
#> 6 42 4198190 1933-10-29 1933-10-29 3.80e7 proce Append <NA>
#> 7 2 4109685 1952-07-13 1952-07-27 3.20e4 condi Lacera <NA>
#> 8 18 40213260 2017-01-04 2017-01-04 5.81e5 drug zoster <NA>
#> 9 42 4151422 1985-02-03 1985-02-03 3.80e7 proce Sputum <NA>
#> 10 2 4163872 1993-03-29 1993-03-29 3.80e7 proce Plain <NA>
#> # ... with 203 more rows, and abbreviated variable names observation_concept_id,
#> # type_concept_id, observation_concept_name, type_concept_name
DBI::dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = TRUE)
} # }