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Summarise patient characteristic standard function

Summarise characteristics of cohorts in a cohort table
Summarise attrition associated with cohorts in a cohort table
Summarise counts for cohorts in a cohort table
Summarise overlap between cohorts in a cohort table
Summarise timing between entries into cohorts in a cohort table
This function is used to summarise the large scale characteristics of a cohort table

Create visual tables from summarised objects

tableCharacteristics() experimental
Format a summarise_characteristics object into a visual table.
tableCohortAttrition() experimental
Create a visual table from the output of summariseCohortAttrition.
tableCohortCount() experimental
Format a summarise_characteristics object into a visual table.
tableCohortOverlap() experimental
Format a summariseOverlapCohort result into a visual table.
tableCohortTiming() experimental
Format a summariseCohortTiming result into a visual table.
tableLargeScaleCharacteristics() experimental
Format a summarise_large_scale_characteristics object into a visual table.
Available columns to use in header, groupColumn and hide arguments in table functions.

Generate ggplot2 plots from summarised_result objects

Functions to generate plots (ggplot2) from summarised objects.

plotCharacteristics() experimental
Create a ggplot from the output of summariseCharacteristics.
plotCohortAttrition() experimental
create a ggplot from the output of summariseLargeScaleCharacteristics.
plotCohortCount() experimental
Plot the result of summariseCohortCount.
plotCohortOverlap() experimental
Plot the result of summariseCohortOverlap.
plotCohortTiming() experimental
Plot summariseCohortTiming results.
plotComparedLargeScaleCharacteristics() experimental
create a ggplot from the output of summariseLargeScaleCharacteristics.
plotLargeScaleCharacteristics() experimental
create a ggplot from the output of summariseLargeScaleCharacteristics.
Available columns to use in facet and colour arguments in plot functions.


Benchmark the main functions of CohortCharacteristics package.

Helper functions

It creates a mock database for testing CohortCharacteristics package